Stagg Street Video Stage

The video stage is an air-conditioned 40’x30’ space with a 12’ ceiling and attached 12’x18’x8’ dressing/whatever room.  There’s a separate rest room and direct access to the secured parking lot. 

Three skylights can be open or closed for natural light through the sturdy ceiling grid. There’s ample power with two each, 100 amp AC distribution boxes (300 amps available with an additional 100 amps house power) and a large audio playback system making it perfect for small video shoots, green screen work and still photography. Repainting to any color is possible for the cost of time and materials.

Hourly and day rates available and all offers will be considered

Other amenities include: 
*wireless Internet
*two 3’x6’x16” black risers
*trash bin access

Proximity to the studio control room can allow for simultaneous live recording with great mics through the vintage API console.

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